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Welcome to SEN Schools Guide

Information on schooling for parents of special needs children aged 3-16 in England

The proportion of pupils with SEN continues to rise. As of June 2023, there were over1.5M pupils with SEN in England, representing over17% of all pupils.  

25% with EHC plans and 75% without an EHC plan but receiving some degree of SEN support.

Teacher and Kids in Library

Find Schools

Helping you find best schools for your children, whether you are looking for their first school, thinking of their transition to secondary, or feel that the school they are currently in does not provide the right level of support or environment they need. You can search by the type of school you need, see each school’s profile and SEN provision they currently offer.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

Albert Einstein

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